We writers work alone to craft our ideas into stories, novels, essays, plays... that is, initially we work alone! But sooner or later, we must emerge from our self-imposed creative isolation and work with others. We need inspiration, guidance, advice, community, and friendship to nurture our work—and our very souls—on our creative journeys.. Scroll down to see the classes I teach through Writer’s Digest, as well as the private classes I offer.
Private Classes
I offer private classes for writing groups, libraries, and other organizations.
If you would like for me to teach your group on one of the above topics, or on another creative writing topic, please contact me at sharonshort1983@gmail.com to start a chat about topics, location (online or in person), requirements, and terms.
Topics include:
Three Tools for Creating Believable Characters
Elevate Your Fiction in Any Genre
Level Up Your Writing Life: Ten Tips for Sharpening Your Writers Mindset
Paths to Publishing
Researching History for Fiction
Pick it Up or Slow it Down: Setting the Right Pace in Your Novel
Ten Things I’ve Learned about Writing in Life in 30-plus Years as a Writer
Whydunnit? Character and Finding the Larger Meaning in Mystery Writing
Groups I have taught for:
National League of American Pen Women, Denver, Colorado Branch
Crime Bake Mystery Conference (Boston, Massachusetts)
Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop
Louisville Book Festival
Medina County (Ohio) Public Library
Ottawa (Canada) Chapter of Romance Writers of America
Sinclair Community College
Springboro (Ohio) Public Library
Thurber House (Columbus, Ohio)
Washington-Centerville Public Library
Words Worth Writing Connection
Writer’s Digest Annual Conference
Writer’s Digest Historical Fiction Virtual Conference
Wright State University
“Researching History for Fiction included many useful tips and information to research time periods that impact your characters and story.”
“Sharon had excellent handouts and was super well prepared... made me want to go back into all my writing since time began and insert new material to make it come to life.”